The MRRF, located in Harper Hospital, has a strong emphasis on education, in addition to research. The MR center has consistently attracted MR visionaries and scientists who have provided excellent guidance to numerous graduate students pursuing doctoral degrees and the training of research oriented residents and faculty alike. Currently, the MR center is focusing on the usage of MR techniques in patients with aging, breast cancer, diabetic retinopathy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, trauma, tumors and fetal imaging to name a few. The center is working to develop and apply revolutionary MR methods for early detection of disease and monitoring of treatment in these patients. Ultimately, the MR center hopes that research performed by the many basic and clinical scientists here will lead to a better understanding of human physiology and disease. The faculty of the MR center not only perform their own research but unselfishly support the implementation of MR methods (through education, assistance in experimental design, and data collection and analysis) and promotes their usage to the Wayne State University scientific community and beyond.
MR Core Faculty/Staff | MR Research Committee | Clinical Faculty |